How to make your App stand out right from the start

app launch

App Stores are a big world full of different applications that can make it hard for your app to stand out, especially at the beginning. If users don’t know about your app how are they going to download it?

That is why, to have a successful App Launch and meet your download goals, you must promote your app before the big launch. Remember that awareness takes time, thus start promoting your app so that when you launch it people have a good level of app awareness. To make sure that users know about your app before your live event or TV show premiere you can:

Communicate in digital platforms: Use your brand’s digital hub to let interested people know about your app. Make sure to highlight the benefits of using your app, standing out how it can make the experience more immersive and engaging. Mention the different features and how users can benefit from it.

Prepare a Press kit: Prepare a press kit to send to journalists and bloggers who might be interested in your app. This will make it easier for them to post content about your app and generate buzz for your App Launch.

Prepare a good App Store Listing: Even though this is a final step, it is very important. This is the moment of truth, where people decide or not to download your App. To maximize the number of downloads, you need to make this page appealing and easy to understand. Users should have a clear idea of what your app does, and use visuals and videos with clear descriptions to clarify it. A good App Store Listing can make a huge difference in your App Launch success.

Keep these points in mind when preparing your launch so that you can start with a competitive advantage. If you need any help talk to us.


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