Applications – From Interaction to Revenues

apps revenue


Applications are powerful new channels that can generate extra revenues and be extremely profitable through fan engagement and interaction.

Yet, generating apps revenues may be a difficult task. In order to do it effectively, you need to offer the right content to users and facilitate the purchasing process. In-app purchases and subscriptions have the same challenges that an online purchase carry. For instance, the payment method is an important influencer in the consumer decision process. Make sure you have as many payment methods as possible to cover different user profiles.

Our applications can support multiple payment methods, such as App Stores, ATM payments, Direct Carrier Billing, Premium SMS & Paypal.

Even if you have all these payment methods, users will only pay for what they find appealing, relevant and worth. For TV shows and reality shows, real-time interaction is a unique offer. Live interaction is a great way to make users feel more connected and engaged with the show. The Love on Top app, for example, offered live interaction by allowing users to participate in events, send messages to the show, and explore the dating area.

Thus, our apps can generate new revenues from subscriptions, in-app purchases, sponsor campaigns and product placement. Think carefully about what you can offer, and how you can offer it.

Check our Showcase to find some great ideas and solutions for your needs!

We would be glad to help your brand find the perfect solution to deliver interactive and profitable features for your Live Show or TV Channel.  If you need some help contact us.


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